brewlog: Bottles of Grit
Something strange has occurred the past couple times I’ve prepped bottles for beer. Here’s my process: First, drink the beers in the bottles. This is the best part. Next, I sort the bottles by label and bottle type. If a bottle has a plasticky label that I know will be a bitch to remove, or […]
brewlog: Glass Shatters
I know this blog has been silent for a while, but I tend to only think to do this when I’m really excited for something or something has gone wrong. Unfortunately, we’re looking at the latter here. First and foremost, I shattered my carboy. Well, to be honest, gravity did the falling and the floor […]
My first real website
I’ve done a lot of stupid shit for myself in the past, but here’s my first official, real website that I’ve developed, and partially designed. Hooray!
brewlog: Batch #4 bottled!
This one should be good. It’s hard to test the sample though, because its got a lot of dense hop bitterness with no carbonation to break it up.
b[rew]log: Batch #4, moving on up!
So, batch #4 made its way from bucket to carboy today. It fermented super vigorously in the bucket. the morning after I finished it, I checked it and the krausen had clawed its way into the airlock, so I had to grab an empty jug and create a blowoff tube for it. Also, I had […]